
Ck2 agot r+l=j
Ck2 agot r+l=j

ck2 agot r+l=j

The Targaryens ruled Westeros for centuries. If Rhaegar and Lyanna are Jon's parents, then Jon is a Targaryen. So we can assume that Rhaegar married Lyanna, making any offspring a legitimate heir. Rhaegar, incidentally, got an oblique mention in Season 7 episode 5, 'Eastwatch', when Gilly read that a "Prince Raggar" had his marriage annulled and was secretly married to someone else in Dorne. While the show is coy about it – Rhaegar rarely gets a mention – book-readers will be under no illusion that the baby is Rhaegar's. Ned promised Jon that when he returned from King's Landing he'd tell him the truth about his mother, but sadly Ned never came back and Jon never found out. Given that his honesty, nobility and integrity got him executed, how likely is it that he sired a boy on a random wench while out warring with Robert Baratheon under the reign of the Mad King Aerys II? From the start of the show (and the books) it's been obvious to everyone except the characters that Ned Stark is a really unlikely person to have fathered a bastard. The theory aims to explain who Jon's real parents are. What we're about to explain could spoil a surprise or two in the coming series (but only if you've not been paying attention), so tread carefully if you want to stay pure.

ck2 agot r+l=j

If, on the other hand, you know nothing (Jon Snow) then allow us to explain: the theory was a bit of speculation about past and future events of the series, and after the season six finale, well, shit got a whole lot more real. If you've been fighting your way through the thickets of Game of Thronesinternet fandom for the past few years, you'll probably have come across the R+L=J theory already.

Ck2 agot r+l=j